The East Africa Association – in close collaboration with the EU Delegation to Ethiopia and the EU Business Forum to Ethiopia – organised on 13 and 14 March the first ever EU Joint Investment Mission to Ethiopia. Over 40 companies in a wide range of sectors visited Addis Ababa over the course of two days toexplore business opportunities in the country.
Presentations were made to the mission by – amongst others – the State Minister of Industry, the Director General of the Ethiopian Investment Agency, the resident representative of the IMF as well as the economists from the World Bank and the EU.
The mission also visited the Bole Lemin Industrial Zone, accompanied by EU Ambassador Chantal Hebberecht and enjoyed a lunch with around 10 EUBFE members to exchange on doing business in Ethiopia. With several companies planning a follow-up visit in the coming weeks and days, it seems quite ikely that EUBFE can soon welcome some new members.