EUBFE and EUD welcomed delegates of the Eastern Africa Association (EAA) at a networking event held on October 25, 2018 at the premises of EUBFE member company MOSS-ICT, the pioneer of mobile money service technology, M-Birr, in Ethiopia . The event was attended by more than 40 guests from government, diplomatic and businesses communities. HE Ambassador Johan Borgstam, head of EU Delegation in Ethiopia, opened the thematic event. After welcoming delegates of EAA, invited diplomats and members of EUBFE, he invited EUBFE Chairman Mr. Ben Depraetere to make an opening statement. Mr. Ben, in his address, highlighted the major activities and achievements of EUBFE and invited delegates to engage with members and management of EUBFE to learn more. Mr. John Small, CEO of EAA took up the stage subsequently. In his brief address he thanked the EU Delegation as well as the EUBFE for hosting EAA’s delegates. He reiterated that over the course of their stay, they have learnt a great deal on investment opportunities in Ethiopia. Events such as this networking event hosted by EUBFE and EUD, will further help in cementing the delegates understanding of the Ethiopian business climate from EU businesses already operating in Ethiopia. Following the opening remarks the thematic networking continued over cocktail reception.