A joint workshop organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Revenues was held on January 29, 2021 at the BestWesten Plus Hotel in Addis Ababa. The workshop focused on Auditing, tax compliance and related issues. It attracted more than 40 finance managers, drawn from member European companies. 

This workshop falls within the memorandum of understanding signed between Eurocham and the ministry to bolster relationship between member companies and the ministry. A small survey was conducted at the end of 2020, that brought some problematic areas in the tax administration that gave rise to the design and the delivery of this workshop.

Hence, the major objectives of the workshop were

  • enable participants grasp the basics of risk-based audit
  • to equip participants on basic assumptions taken into consideration on frequency of audit
  • exchange experiences on audit work between European companies and auditors of MoR and identify areas that require better collaboration

The Ministry of Revenues was represented by five directors;

  1. Ato Kebede Lidetu- Director, Risk and Compliance
  2. Ato Birhanu Kebede-Director, Tax Audit Management
  3. Ato Sisay Gezu-Director Tax Fraud Investigation
  4. Wro. Abaynesh Abate- Directress, Tax Debt Management
  5. Ato Dereje Meonnen- Director Filing and Return Processing

All the directors made a brief presentation on the major tasks of their respective directorates and the challenges encountered in expediting their responsibilities. 

The discussion that ensued addressed concerns raised by participants in the areas of VAT fund delay, frequency of audit, withholding tax, capacity of auditors and related tax administration concerns.

Follow this link to download the full content of the workshop: https://eubfe.eu/images/Minutes-_Workshop_on_Audit_and_Tax_Compliance_29.01.21.pdf