Eurocham board of management held productive consultative meeting with the Ethiopian Investment Commissioner HE Commissioner Lelise Neme and Deputy Commissioner Daniel Teressa, in the presence of EU Ambassador to Ethiopia Roland Kobia. Also in the consultation was H.E Ambassador Ababi Demissie, Director General for Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The consultation revolved around existing challenges faced by member companies and plans for engagement in the coming year 2023. The major issues discussed were sporadic insecurities in some localities faced by some member companies, cement and fuel supply challenges, foreign exchange shortage, customs and tax related issues. The EIC commissioner in her response appreciated the initiative to hold a consultation of this nature and reaffirmed the commission’s commitment to continue to support European FDI in general and Eurocham members specifically. To this end, it was agreed that bolstering partnership in the spirit of public-private-dialogue will be key focus in the coming year. In this connection, a joint platform that will be co-chaired by EIC commissioner and the EU Ambassador was established, and it will follow up on all issues raised at the consultation on a quarterly basis.

Following the consultative meeting, cocktail reception was hosted at the rooftop of the commission’s headquarters, where the outcome of the meeting was communicated to Eurocham members by the commissioner and the board chairperson of Eurocham .