Annual Joint Workshop with Customs Commission Held
On February 23, 2023, the European Union Business Forum in Ethiopia (EUBFE) held a joint workshop with the Ethiopian Customs Commission (ECC), together with its member associations, ENLBA and CAFÉ to address the concerns and issues raised by its members companies.
The workshop addressed key issues raised by member companies in the areas of valuation, classification, Franco Valuta, and the Ethiopian Single Window system. The various directors representing different directorates of the ECC addressed these issues and highlighted their ongoing efforts to improve their services. Participants were encouraged to provide feedback and opinions, ensuring an effective and collaborative consultation.The Q&A session at the end allowed participants to gain further clarity on the topics discussed. This joint workshop is an extension of EUBFE’s effort to support dialogue and engagement between key players in the investment climate and member companies with the aim of creating a thriving business climate Ethiopia.
Eurocham Launched Two Policy Briefs on the Occasion of Signing of MoU
EU Business Forum in Ethiopia launched two policy briefs on the same occasion that saw it sign a memorandum of understanding with Ministry of Industry in the presence of HE Hassen Moalin-State Minister on January 30, 2023. Also in attendance were HE Semereta Sewasew State Minister of Finance, HE Lelise Neme- Commissioner, Ethiopian Investment Commission, HE Roland Kobia, Ambassador of EU to Ethiopia and HE Temesgen Tilahun-EIC Deputy Commissioner. The event attracted more than one hundered twenty guests from member state embassies, various ministries, development partners, sister associations as well as all members of Eurocham and its member associations.
The two policy brief entitled: ” Sourcing from the Source-Utilizing FDI to Tackle Ethiopia’s FDI Challenge” analyzes the potential for local sourcing as a solution to the foreign exchange conundrum. The second policy brief “Accelerating Ethiopia’s Transformation-Rethinking the Strategic Role of mid-to-small Scale FDI” advocates for strategy for positioning mid-to-small scale FDI within the development strategy of Ethiopia and enact investment promotion and facilitation accordingly. The recommendations made in the policy briefs will be the basis for engagement between Eurocham and the various government agencies in the coming months. Full content of the policy briefs can be downloaded via links below.
Policy Brief: Sourcing from the Source: Utilizing FDI to Tackle FX Challenge
Policy Brief: Accelerating Ethiopia’s Transformation: Rethinking the Strategic Role of Mid-to-Small Scale FDI

Represented by Its Executive Director, Eurocham Took Part in the Semi-Annual Meeting of European Chambers
As part of the semi-annual meeting of Eurpean chambers in third markets, under the umbrella of European Business Organisatins Worldwide Network (EBOWWN), Eurocham took part in consultations in Brussels from December 12-14, 2022. The consultatons were held with various DGs of the European commission, including DG INTPA, DG GROW, DG TRADE as well as Business Europe and EuroChamber.
Consultations focused on ways that the EBO network, in which Eurocham is elected to the board, can be leveraged to advance European investments across third markets within the context of global gateway partnership program. Myrriam Ferran, Deputy Director General of INTPA was among the guests of honors who attended the three days consultative meeting held at the Albert Broschette Congress Centre.
Member associations also held separate regional meetings whereby plans were set on region-focused approach to advocacy. The African region, represented by Eurocham , also held constructive consultation with fellow European chambers in the continent on ways of aligning services and engagements in advocacy.
Eurocham Held Consultative Meeting with EIC Followed by End of the Year Cocktail Reception
Eurocham board of management held productive consultative meeting with the Ethiopian Investment Commissioner HE Commissioner Lelise Neme and Deputy Commissioner Daniel Teressa, in the presence of EU Ambassador to Ethiopia Roland Kobia. Also in the consultation was H.E Ambassador Ababi Demissie, Director General for Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The consultation revolved around existing challenges faced by member companies and plans for engagement in the coming year 2023. The major issues discussed were sporadic insecurities in some localities faced by some member companies, cement and fuel supply challenges, foreign exchange shortage, customs and tax related issues. The EIC commissioner in her response appreciated the initiative to hold a consultation of this nature and reaffirmed the commission’s commitment to continue to support European FDI in general and Eurocham members specifically. To this end, it was agreed that bolstering partnership in the spirit of public-private-dialogue will be key focus in the coming year. In this connection, a joint platform that will be co-chaired by EIC commissioner and the EU Ambassador was established, and it will follow up on all issues raised at the consultation on a quarterly basis.
Following the consultative meeting, cocktail reception was hosted at the rooftop of the commission’s headquarters, where the outcome of the meeting was communicated to Eurocham members by the commissioner and the board chairperson of Eurocham .

Consultative Workshop on Local Sourcing Held
EUBFE held consultative workshop with member companies’ on August 18, 2022 with sourcing and procurement experts on challenges and potentials for local sourcing. The outcome of this consultative workshop will be used to develop a policy brief that would present the potential for linkage between local manufacturers with European FDI. It will also present the exiting bottlenecks that hampered the backward linkage with a view of recommending potential solutions and policy interventions. In addition to the active consultation that helped in garnering helpful qualitative data, a survey will be disseminated to capture the quantitative potential for local sourcing.

Eurocham together with the EU Delegation to Ethiopia Hosted Members of European Parliament
Together with the EU Delegation to Ethiopia, the EU business forum and its member companies hosted members of the parliament of the European Union led by Mr. David McAllister. On the occasion, the head of delegation of the EU delegation to Ethiopia, Ambassador Roland Kobia, appreciated the perseverance of the European business community that has remained committed to contributing to the enhancement of the business climate. Board chairman of Eurocham , Mr. Ben Depraetere, thanked the members of the parliament for taking the time to engage with the business community and share opinions that would strengthen the economic partnership between Europe and Ethiopia. He also shared copies of the Business Climate Report 2021 that depicts the perception of European investors in Ethiopia, including summaries of policy interventions that would contribute to the ease of doing business.

AGM and thematic networking held
The EUBFE ratified several motions and elected new board members on the occasion of its annual general assembly of 2022. The AGM was hosted by Heineken breweries in their new headquarters. The executive director of EUBFE presented annual activity and audit report for FY 2021 as well as plans for 2022.
Two motions were also presented for ratification were- the amendment of membership rules and a motion to change EUBFE’s name to European Chamber in Ethiopia. The executive director and the board chairman explained to the general assembly on the background of the need for such motions. Both also responded to queries from members. After a brief deliberation, the two motions were unanimously endorsed by the general assembly. The third agenda was the election of new board members that would replace the one who served for the previous two years. Representatives of BASF Vegetable Seeds, TotalEnergies, Unilever, Heineken, Neumann Kaffe Gruppe, Krones-Ethiopia, Varnero Construction, Ethiopia-Netherlands Business Association and French Business Club came forward to take up the responsibility at the board of EUBFE. All were unanimously elected to the board.
The last session of the afternoon was a presentation by a member law firm-BonellieErede- on the new investment incentive regulation vis-a-vis the old one. Following Q&A the day was concluded with a cocktail reception. The full content of the legal review that was presented at the thematic networking can be accessed below.
New Investment Incentives Regulation Summary by BonelliErede

Eurocham was elected to the board of European Business Organization Worldwide Network
On the conclusion of the annual summit of European Chambers in third countires, held under the umbrella of the EBOWWN (European Business Organisations Worldwide Network), Eurocham was elected to the board of management to serve the network for the coming two years representing Africa-based European chambers. The summit which took place in Brussels from June 06-10 2022 via the support of European Commission’s DG GROW (Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs), saw European chambers engage with various Directorate Generals of the commission on pertinent issues faced by European companies in third markets. The first two days were dedicated for African EBOs (European Business Organisations), whereby the eleven chambers exchanged best practices and pledged to create a strong African chapter that can engage with external partners in a structured manner.
From 16-18 June, the various EBOs from across the globe met and discussed with DG Trade, DG INTPA, DG , Business Europe, EuroChamber and DG CLIMA. The discussions with the various representatives of the commission informed the ensuing key steps of the network as well as create clarity on the depth of European businesses represented by this network. The last day of the summit was dedicated to AGM of EBOWWN members where the outgoing board presented its activity and financial reports, followiing which new board was elected. Eurocham was elected to lead the African voice given its stature and experience both in-country as well as on regional matters.
Eurocham Business Climate Study Report 2021 Validation Sessions Held
As part of its strategic goal of supporting its advocacy engagement with empirical studies, the Eurocham commissioned its maiden business climate report in the middle of 2021. The draft report was presented to its members as well as government stakeholders on two separate sessions.
The validation session with member companies took place on the 21st of October in virtual setting. The consultants made a presentation of summary of the key findings, preceded by welcome and opening remarks from Nahom F. Abraham, the executive director of Eurocham, and Mr. Ben Depraetere, board chairman. Member companies who took part in the session provided key input into the report with suggestions and questions that would help in further enriching the report to reflect their perceptions and views.
The second validation session was held on November 02 2021, in the presence of key government ministries and commissions. Representatives of ministries of Finance, Trade, Revenues, Innovation and technology were in attendance. Moreover, the National Bank and the customs commission were also in attendance. The guest of honor at the session was the deputy commission of the Ethiopian Investment Commission, Mr. Temesgen Tilahun. He appreciated the efforts of Eurocham in it endeavor of working in tandem with the government in continuously improving the business climate. Ms. Sanne Willems, team leader at the EU Delegation in Ethiopia, also underscored the importance of public-private partnership and the EU’s readiness to support the country’s drive towards creating conducive environment of the private sector in general. The comments and suggestions garnered at the session, including those from the first session will be incorporated into the draft report. It is, tentatively planned that the report will be officially launched by early December 2021.

Eurocham took part in briefing on investment safety organized by EIC and Ministry of Peace
Eurocham took part in security briefing in connection with the national elections along side its member bilateral associations-the CAFE and ENLBA, as well as other prominent FDI associations. The briefing was led by Mrs. Frealem Shibabaw, state minister of law enforcement at MoF, Commissioner of EIC Ms Lelise Neme and Deputy Commissioner of EIC Temesgen Tilahun.
MoP briefed investors on the general preparation on security pre and post election. Following this session, dedicated emergency contact numbers were disseminated via Eurocham to all members to report any incidents they deem unsafe.