Eurocham Held Meeting with Ministry of Finance

Eurocham delegation held meeting with the Minister of Finance- HE Ahmed Shide. Led by the head of cooperation at the EU Delegation Mr. Erik Habers, Eurocham representatives, composed of board chair, executive director and presidents of bilateral member associations presented a summary of the major achievements of Eurocham in its advocacy engagement with a number of ministires. Moreover, the Eurocham delegation outlined keen interest to establish a sustained and structured platform with the Ministry Finance, where the concerns and challenges of member companies can be addressed. Stressing Eurocham mission of improving the doing business climate in the country, it is currenlty engaged in producing empirical studies that aid policy interventions to this end.
HE Mr. Ahmed Shide on his part appreciated the initiative of Eurocham and outlined key econnomic reforms that led to the opening of the country’s economy to FDI. He pledged to assist in resolving any bottlenecks member companies face. The meeting concluded by establishing a team from both sides that would overlook the formalisation of relationship between MoF and EUBFE that would get regular consultation gain traction

Joint Workshop between Eurocham and Ministry of Revenues Held

A joint workshop organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Revenues was held on January 29, 2021 at the BestWesten Plus Hotel in Addis Ababa. The workshop focused on Auditing, tax compliance and related issues. It attracted more than 40 finance managers, drawn from member European companies. 

This workshop falls within the memorandum of understanding signed between Eurocham and the ministry to bolster relationship between member companies and the ministry. A small survey was conducted at the end of 2020, that brought some problematic areas in the tax administration that gave rise to the design and the delivery of this workshop.

Hence, the major objectives of the workshop were

  • enable participants grasp the basics of risk-based audit
  • to equip participants on basic assumptions taken into consideration on frequency of audit
  • exchange experiences on audit work between European companies and auditors of MoR and identify areas that require better collaboration

The Ministry of Revenues was represented by five directors;

  1. Ato Kebede Lidetu- Director, Risk and Compliance
  2. Ato Birhanu Kebede-Director, Tax Audit Management
  3. Ato Sisay Gezu-Director Tax Fraud Investigation
  4. Wro. Abaynesh Abate- Directress, Tax Debt Management
  5. Ato Dereje Meonnen- Director Filing and Return Processing

All the directors made a brief presentation on the major tasks of their respective directorates and the challenges encountered in expediting their responsibilities. 

The discussion that ensued addressed concerns raised by participants in the areas of VAT fund delay, frequency of audit, withholding tax, capacity of auditors and related tax administration concerns.

Follow this link to download the full content of the workshop: 

Eurocham Addressed Participants during Investment Engagement Summit Organized by EIC

The new commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) held consultative meeting with the board of the Eurocham and the EU Delegation
Hosted by HE Ambassador Johan Borgstam, head of the EU delegation to Ethiopia, the meeting was the first since HE Ms. Lelise Neme took helms at the commission
Following round of introductions and congratulatory messages on the appointment of HE Lelise from HE Ambassador Borgstam and Mr. Depraetere-Chair of Eurocham , representatives of the EU delegation and the Eurocham made power point presentations on the previous and current engagements of their respective institutions with the EIC.

On the discussion that ensued, Eurocham members indicated that despite the robust relationship established with the EIC and the tangible results registered, in particular via the public-private-dialogue (PPD) platform, a number of concerns of European FDI community remain unresolved. In addition to a more recent concern that is investment security, work permit renewal, logistical bottlenecks, foreign exchange shortage and uneven application of regulations and laws were pointed out. In response, HE Lelise pointed out that multi-regional forum, led by regional presidents and investment commissioners, has been established to oversee any concerns that might arise by investors and EIC will be happy to invite Eurocham to attend an upcoming meeting. Moreover, Commissioner Lelise promised to dedicate personnel and time to look into the challenges raised by Eurocham . In conclusion, Eurocham invited HE to an introductory meeting with members of Eurocham .

Eurocham Held Consultative E-Meeting with the new EIC Commissioner

The new commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) held consultative meeting with the board of the Eurocham and the EU Delegation
Hosted by HE Ambassador Johan Borgstam, head of the EU delegation to Ethiopia, the meeting was the first since HE Ms. Lelise Neme took helms at the commission
Following round of introductions and congratulatory messages on the appointment of HE Lelise from HE Ambassador Borgstam and Mr. Depraetere-Chair of Eurocham , representatives of the EU delegation and the Eurocham made power point presentations on the previous and current engagements of their respective institutions with the EIC.

On the discussion that ensued, Eurocham members indicated that despite the robust relationship established with the EIC and the tangible results registered, in particular via the public-private-dialogue (PPD) platform, a number of concerns of European FDI community remain unresolved. In addition to a more recent concern that is investment security, work permit renewal, logistical bottlenecks, foreign exchange shortage and uneven application of regulations and laws were pointed out. In response, HE Lelise pointed out that multi-regional forum, led by regional presidents and investment commissioners, has been established to oversee any concerns that might arise by investors and EIC will be happy to invite Eurocham to attend an upcoming meeting. Moreover, Commissioner Lelise promised to dedicate personnel and time to look into the challenges raised by Eurocham . In conclusion, Eurocham invited HE to an introductory meeting with members of Eurocham .

Eurocham Released Early COVID-19 Early Impact Assessment

Eurocham conducted a survey to assess the early impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on its member companies in Ethiopia. Key findings of the survey indicate that eventhough the on set of the virus was late in Ethiopia, witht the first case reported in mid-march, its impact was sharp and significant to many. Moreover, data indicated that at this early level estimation, many companies expect to recover from its impact in around a year’s time. Concerns over safety and security were also flagged. To read the full report please follow the link below.
Read Full Early Impact Report

Eurocham held its first thematic networking event of 2020 on the sidelines of its general assembly

Eurocham general assembly held on February 27, 2020 saw approval of external audit report of FY 2019 as well as review and approval of annual plan for 2020. Major strategic focus for the year 2020 include expansion of membership base, enhance engagement and advocacy work as well as add new services and ventures. The EU Delegation in Ethiopia has pledged some 300 thousand euros worth of technical assistance towards improving Eurocham and this was officially announced at the general assembly. This is believed to be an important contribution towards realizing the key strategic goals set by the board of management of Eurocham .

Following the general assembly, a thematic networking event that focused on the implementation of the new customs legislation took place. It was hosted in partnership with Eurocham member association, the Ethiopian Netherlands Business Association (ENLBA). A panel composed of distinguished guests that include Mr. Gaim Yibrah (Director of the Strategic Partnership Directorate- Customs Commission), Mrs. Elisabeth Getahun (President of freight Forwarders and Shipping Association) Mr. Getachew Zewdu (Representative of Clearing Agents), Mr. Hayo Hamster (President of ENLBA) as well as Mr. Ben Depraetere (Chair of Eurocham ) led the discussion on the application of the new customs legislation 1160/19 and the challenges associated with it. Particular concern was the reduction of maximum allowable deadline of goods in customs warehouses to 15 days in dry ports and 10 at airport and the fine of 20% of customs value sanction who fail to remove their imports within these day limits. Mr. Gaim responded to questions and concerns on behalf of Customs Commission and took away some suggestions for further scrutiny.

Eurocham joined members of the diplomatic community in welcoming the new president of EU Commission on her maiden trip outside Europe

On her first trip outside Europe as head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen visited Addis Ababa, on Saturday December 7 2019. On a speech she made during a reception organized by the EU Delegation to Ethiopia and the AU, Ms. Von Der Leyen underlined the important strategic alliance with Africa her leadership will pursue. She also congratulated the Ethiopian leadership for the reform they are engaged in and in particular the Prime Minister for winning this year’s nobel peace prize Eurocham was represented by its co-chair Mr Timklienebenne (pictured with Von der Leyen) and its executive director Mr. Nahom F. Abraham at the evening reception.

The Fourth Thematic Networking Event of Eurocham took place

The end of the year and the fourth thematic networking event of EUBF took place on December 10, 2019 at the Golden Tulip Hotel. The theme of the evening was Eurocham -2020. On behalf of the board members of Eurocham , the executive director Mr. Nahom F. Abraham presented the key strategic directions Eurocham would follow in the year 2020 along three focus areas; expanding membership base, expanding services to members and strengthening engagement with the public sector. Following the presentation, board members conferred one-on-one with members to garner more information and perspectives on strengthening Eurocham services further. The information gathered at the event will be used to enrich the plans of activities of Eurocham for the year 2020.

Public-Private Dialogue with Foreign Business Associations, including Eurocham, was Held

Public-Private-Dialogue (PPD), the second round, was held on December 4, 2019 at the Hilton Hotel. Eurocham , as co-chair of the PPD team, worked tirelessly to collect, analyze and depict the major challenges of foreign businesses in Ethiopia. This PPD deliberated on taxation and customs concerns of foreign businesses. PPD was facilitated by the Ethiopian Investment Commission represented by Deputy Commissioners Mrs. Hanna Arayaselassie and Mr. Temesgen Tilahun , along side Mr.Zemede Teferra-State Minister Ministry of Revenue. Opening remark on the PPD was made by Mr. Ben Depraetere, board chair of Eurocham . In his remark he highlighted the preparation of PPD and appreciated the role EIC and MoR played in making it a reality. He concluded by a encouraging a more sustained dialogue of such format. Issues on taxation and customs were presented by representatives of the PPD preparation team and responded to by staff from MoR.

Eurocham signed MoU with Ministry of Trade and Industry

Second thematic networking event of 2019 took place in the presence of HE Ambassador Johan Borgstam, head of EU Delegation on September 19th September at the headquarters of Total Ethiopia S.C.

Introduction to the electronic customs management system (E-CMS) was the theme of the event. The E-CMS is a new system that has been implemented for the Ethiopian Customs Commission for over a year, with funding from the European Union. Its goal is to improve and digitize the entire customs shipment mechanism and meet the dire need of fast and efficient movement of goods in Ethiopia.

HE Ambassador Johan Borgstam, in his opening remark, appreciated Eurocham for organizing such an event that would enable EU businesses to understand new developments that could improve their operations. Chairman of Eurocham also highlighted major achievements and challenges Eurocham face on the back of existing economic reforms. Subsequently, the country manager of the host of the evening Total-Ethiopia, Mr. Thibault Lesueur, extended his warm welcome to guests.

A presentation on the new customs management system was made by the representative of Webb Fontaine, the company that deployed the system. Details of the power point presentation are found on our downloads page.